Spring Equinox Gathering
1:00 PM13:00

Spring Equinox Gathering

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-equinox-celebration-tickets-1248371786619?aff=oddtdtcreator

Spring is Here!...And with the Spring Equinox brings us to the birth of New Beginnings, and we celebrate the season with reflection, release and set new intentions for Growth, Community and Renewal.

Celebrate the first day of Spring with friends and loved ones by creating handmade crafts and participate in a Spring Potluck Exchange of seasonal foods and drinks.

Date: Sunday, March 16th, 1-4pm

Location: WomensWork.Art- 12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY

Suggested Donation: $25

Please bring a food or drink to share in the potluck that is special for this time of year.

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Open Figure Drawing
6:00 PM18:00

Open Figure Drawing

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/womensworkart-27053301715

Come get inspired at our Open Figure Drawing! Drop in to draw from our live model in a non-critical, non-instructional setting, and meet fellow local artists. This is a perfect session for artists who want to practice drawing the figure on their own and connect with other artists.

Address: 12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

All skill levels are welcome!

Bring your own materials and easel. Don't have any?- we have materials to get your started.

Pre-Registration for this event is required.

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Crochet Cricle: Granny Squares II
1:00 PM13:00

Crochet Cricle: Granny Squares II

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crochet-circle-granny-squares-part-ii-tickets-1234200299319?aff=oddtdtcreator

Join us at WWA for Crochet Circle, where you'll learn new skills and meet fellow fiber fans!

Are you looking for a place to learn crochet? Are you experienced but looking for a community of like-minded fiber fans?

Come to WWA and beat the winter blues by learning how to make Granny Squares in our Crochet Circle. All levels of experience are welcome to join us.

Suggested Donation: $10

Each participant will receive a crochet starter kit with printed instructions for this session. Snacks will be provided.

Location: WomensWork.Art (12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY `12601)

Date/Time: Sunday, February 23rd, 1-3pm

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Crochet Circle: Granny Squares For Beginners
1:00 PM13:00

Crochet Circle: Granny Squares For Beginners

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crochet-circle-granny-squares-for-beginners-tickets-1131164777299?aff=oddtdtcreator

Join us at WWA for Crochet Circle, where you'll learn new skills and meet fellow fiber fans!

Are you looking for a place to learn crochet? Are you experienced but looking for a community of like-minded fiber fans?

Come to WWA and beat the winter blues by learning how to make Granny Squares in our Crochet Circle. All levels of experience are welcome to join us.

Suggested Donation: $10

Each participant will receive a crochet starter kit with printed instructions for this session. Snacks will be provided.

Location: WomensWork.Art (12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY `12601)

Date/Time: POSTPONED to Sunday, January 26th, 1-3pm

*Refund Policy: No refunds will be given for this event

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Winter Solstice Gathering
1:00 PM13:00

Winter Solstice Gathering

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/winter-solstice-celebration-tickets-1130937627889?aff=oddtdtcreator

Winter is Here!...And the with the Winter Solstice brings us the return of the sun, and we celebrate the season with reflection, release and set new intentions for the year ahead.

Celebrate the first day of Winter with friends and loved ones by creating handmade crafts and participate in a Winter Potluck Exchange of cozy foods and drinks.

Date: Saturday, January 25th, 4-8pm

Location: WomensWork.Art- 12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY

Suggested Donation: $25

Please bring a food or drink to share in the potluck that is special for this time of year.

*Refund Policy: No refunds will be given for this event

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Crochet Circle: Granny Squares For Beginners
1:00 PM13:00

Crochet Circle: Granny Squares For Beginners

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crochet-circle-granny-squares-for-beginners-tickets-1131164777299?aff=oddtdtcreator

Join us at WWA for Crochet Circle, where you'll learn new skills and meet fellow fiber fans!

Are you looking for a place to learn crochet? Are you experienced but looking for a community of like-minded fiber fans?

Come to WWA and beat the winter blues by learning how to make Granny Squares in our Crochet Circle. All levels of experience are welcome to join us.

Suggested Donation: $10

Each participant will receive a crochet starter kit with printed instructions for this session. Snacks will be provided.

Location: WomensWork.Art (12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY `12601)

Date/Time: Sunday, January 19th, 1-3pm

*Refund Policy: No refunds will be given for this event

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Open Figure Drawing
6:00 PM18:00

Open Figure Drawing

Come get inspired at our Open Figure Drawing! Drop in to draw from our live model in a non-critical, non-instructional setting, and meet fellow local artists. This is a perfect session for artists who want to practice drawing the figure on their own and connect with other artists.

Address: 12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

All skill levels are welcome!

Bring your own materials and easel. Don't have any?- we have materials to get your started.

Pre-Registration for this event is required.

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/womensworkart-27053301715

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Open Figure Drawing
6:00 PM18:00

Open Figure Drawing

Come get inspired at our Open Figure Drawing! Drop in to draw from our live model in a non-critical, non-instructional setting, and meet fellow local artists. This is a perfect session for artists who want to practice drawing the figure on their own and connect with other artists.

Address: 12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

A ll skill levels are welcome!

Bring your own materials and easel. Don't have any?- we have materials to get your started.

Pre-Registration for this event is required.

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wwa-open-figure-drawing-tickets-1095763962509?aff=oddtdtcreator

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Open Figure Drawing
6:00 PM18:00

Open Figure Drawing

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wwa-open-figure-drawing-tickets-1057609531579?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

Come get inspired at our Open Figure Drawing! Drop in to draw from our live model in a non-critical, non-instructional setting, and meet fellow local artists. This is a perfect session for artists who want to practice drawing the figure on their own and connect with other artists.

Address: 12 Vassar Street, Third Floor, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

A ll skill levels are welcome!

B ring your own materials and easel. Don't have any?- we have materials to get your started.

Pre-Registration for this event is required.

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Marist Senior Shift: Go Big From Home Online Reception
7:00 PM19:00

Marist Senior Shift: Go Big From Home Online Reception

The Art History, Digital Media, and Studio Art seniors invite you to their “Senior Shift: Go BIG from Home” capping exhibitionhttp://www.maristseniorshift.com/ going live on Thursday, 5/14 at 12:01 am EST

Please join the seniors to celebrate their graduation art and design work at a virtual reception!


Marist Senior Shift: Go BIG from Home exhibition Webex Reception

Thursday, May 14, 2020 7:00 pm, EST

Event number: 611 668 756

Event password: SeniorShift

Webex address for attendeeshttps://facstaff-marist.webex.com/facstaff-marist/onstage/g.php?MTID=ea66199de912cccb1740e893acc1f7adc


Due to the pandemic this year, the capping classes moved their exhibition online to include an interactive 3D virtual gallery and printed catalogs mailed home to each students’ families. Every aspect of this project was created by the students themselves, including the website, the artworks, their curation, the writing and the accompanying catalog—all created while working respectively from their homes.


Please follow the students’ activities on Instagram @maristseniorshift

RSVP to their Facebook eventSenior Shift: Go Big From Home


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Quarantine Salon
3:00 PM15:00

Quarantine Salon

Are you working on artwork during self-isolation and would like to get constructive criticism from your fellow peers? Do you have ideas that you want to work on but feel stuck? Are you feeling uninspired and would like to get your creative mojo back?

Come join us in the internet universe for a weekly edition of Quarantine Salon, an online meeting of artists of all mediums and backgrounds who want to get together and share what they are working on, or would like to share their struggles and triumphs during the age of Social Distancing and Self-Isolation.

This meeting is open to everyone and will take place every Tuesday at 3pm.

Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/718299487?pwd=cGk1cFBWc1paOXdWZCtHeHpLWGtlZz09

Meeting ID: 718-299-487

Password: 939393

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Mother/Father: Artists' Talk (Online) II
3:00 PM15:00

Mother/Father: Artists' Talk (Online) II

Join us for an online version of our Artists' Talk for our current exhibition MOTHER/FATHER on Saturday, April 11 at 3pm via Zoom. We will have several of our artists that are participating in this exhibition on the Talk and will be answering your questions and discussing their creative processes.

Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/392265611?pwd=dnZNczdXU01vaEdvVVVDWkNNdDZ2QT09

Meeting ID: 392-265-611

Password: 791300

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Mother/Father: Artists' Talk (Online) I
7:00 PM19:00

Mother/Father: Artists' Talk (Online) I

Join us for an online version of our Artists' Talk for our current exhibition MOTHER/FATHER on Friday, April 10 at 7pm via Zoom. We will have several of our artists that are participating in this exhibition on the Talk and will be answering your questions and discussing their creative processes.

Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/348501111?pwd=R0RPYnBKTURLN0YzVzFWOElWUG8vZz09

Meeting ID: 348-501-111

Password: 110581

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Mother/Father: Opening Reception
3:30 PM15:30

Mother/Father: Opening Reception

Womenswork.Art presents: MOTHER/FATHER, A Juried Group Exhibition featuring artists from the Hudson Valley and beyond.

Exhibition Dates: March 6-29, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, March 6, 6-9pm
Artists' Talk: Saturday, March 21, 3-5pm
Closing Reception: Sunday, March 29, 3-6pm
Gallery Hours: Friday-Saturday 2-6pm, and by appointment during the week

Jurors: Julia Whitney Barnes and Madeleine Segall-Marx

"Julia Whitney Barnes was born in Newbury, VT in 1979. She received her BFA from Parsons School of Design in 2001 and her MFA from Hunter College in 2006. Julia’s work is multi-disciplinary, executed in a variety of media from oil paintings, ceramic sculptures, murals, drawings, etchings, and site-specific installations. Symbolic objects, flora and the domestic spaces of her Poughkeepsie home and neighbors' homes populate Julia's current oil paintings and drawings on Mylar, in addition to imagery from past travels. Her boldly colored paintings are based on a variety of source images that are conjoined into unusual interiors and landscapes. Whitney Barnes works in the style of many Hudson River School artists who created composite paintings based on sketches from several days and locations distilled into a single image. After decades in NYC, Julia moved up to the Hudson Valley in 2015, where she lives with her photographer husband and two young children. One of the motivating factors to live in the Hudson Valley was proximity to the sites of former brickyards for work on her long term public artwork "Hudson River of Bricks.""

"Madeleine Segall-Marx has received more than 40 awards for sculpture, including ten Medals of Honor, as well as the 2006 Dutchess County Executive's Art Award to an Individual Artist. She teaches figurative sculpture and portraiture in clay, although her own work incorporates many methods and mediums. Her early work involved casting in bronze in Pietrasanta, Italy, where she maintains a studio.

She has completed three public works in New York City - the first, The Children's Ride, a one-year installation in Greenwich Village for the Dept. of Parks, a fiberglass fantasy at the crossroads of Bleecker St. and Sixth Avenue (1995-6); the second, Celebration: The Richard Rothenberg Mathematics Wall, a 12 x 10 ft sculptural wall for Stuyvesant High School in lower Manhattan (1999); and finally, a second project for Stuyvesant High School, its Centennial Commemorative, a 15 x 10 ft wall in steel, aluminum and glass (2004).

From 1999 - 2002 she served as president of the National Association of Women Artists, the oldest and largest organization for professional fine artists who are women. In this capacity and as board member for many years, she initiated several partnerships and programs between NAWA and humanitarian organizations, such as UNIFEM (resulting in an exhibition of 400 miniature works at the UN), the First Amendment Center, the National Coalition Against Censorship, the Feminist Majority, the New York Women's Agenda, and other groups - to present exhibitions and programming of significance.

Her career began with a primary interest in form and material. Eventually with more and more use of color, her work often crosses the boundary between two and three dimensions.

She divides her time between her studios in Manhattan and Hyde Park, NY, with an occasional foray to Italy for work in bronze.

With her growing interest in world events she finally decided to make visual artwork that has a message, rather than work that is simply the product of play between the artist and her material. These 25 pieces of The Singing Bowl together comprise such a work."

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Collective Energy: A Winter Juried Pop-Up Show (Opening Reception)
6:00 PM18:00

Collective Energy: A Winter Juried Pop-Up Show (Opening Reception)

Womenswork.art is pleased to announce that artist Kathy Goodell will jury a Winter Pop-Up Show, open to male/female and non-binary artists over 18 years of age, that will fill the gallery at Clinton St. Studios, our neighbor space. The exhibit will open Friday February 7th and run through Sunday, February 16th, which includes (2) weekends of open hours Friday,  Saturday, and Sunday 2-6 PM and includes Valentine’s Day, February 14th. 

About the Juror: Kathy Goodell is a long time professor of painting at SUNY New Paltz, the recipient of multiple awards, including a Guggenheim, a Fulbright, NYFA Awards in ’97 and ’93, a Pollack-Krasner Foundation Grant in ’91 and others. She has an upcoming solo retrospective at The Dorsky Museum of Art, in New Paltz, September 12th-December 13th, 2020.

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Blueprint/Blaupause: Barbara Beisinghoff (Opening Reception+Artist Talk)
6:00 PM18:00

Blueprint/Blaupause: Barbara Beisinghoff (Opening Reception+Artist Talk)

Join us for the Opening Reception/Artist Talk for Barbara Beisinghoff's Blaupause, with special guests Penny Dell and Silke von der Emde. Refreshments will be served, and this event is FREE and OPEN to the public.

Exhibition Dates: February 7-16, 2020
Gallery Hours: Fridays-Sundays 2-6pm, and by appointment during the week.

For more info about Barbara's work, please visit her website- https://www.beisinghoff.de/

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CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Jordann Funk & Nixie Unterwelt
7:00 PM19:00

CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Jordann Funk & Nixie Unterwelt

Join CelebrateWomxn845 at their annual CELEBRATION arts showcase for MUSIC by Jordann Funk (Hudson Valley forest folk) & Nixie Unterwelt (ritualistic electronic art pop)!

Saturday, January 25, 2020
7:00PM at WomensWork.Art Gallery (4 South Clinton Street, Poughkeepsie NY)
A FREE event (but all donations go to the musicians)!

Jordann Funk: www.JordannFunk.Bandcamp.com
As a self-taught musician, Jordann Funk embraces the realm of intuitive folk-- using unusual tunings, chords, and melodies to bring her songs to life. Her vocals are candid yet otherworldly, transporting the listener to a place of reflection. She often feels she's channeling natural forces in her music, lending them a voice so they may be heard. The work of her debut album Wolf Cry is to help heal the grief felt for and with the Earth in the wake of modern environmental neglect. This album leads us into the tenacious heart of the natural world, ultimately empowering us to use our gifts to fight for justice and heal ancestral & earthen wounds.

Nixie Unterwelt: www.nixieunterwelt.com
The ritualistic electronic art pop of Nixie Unterwelt is a breath of fresh air in a landscape often cluttered with sound-alikes. The ever-evolving brainchild of queer sonic witch Nixie Vly, the project is a transformative purging through sound. Her work aims to unearth the chthonic sacred feminine in defiance of gatekeeping by the same old forces of the patriarchy.

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CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Nina, Stop
7:00 PM19:00

CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Nina, Stop

Join CelebrateWomxn845 at their annual CELEBRATION arts showcase for a STAGED READING of "Nina, Stop", an original work by Casey Morris!

Friday, January 24, 2020
7:00PM at WomensWork.Art Gallery (4 South Clinton Street, Poughkeepsie NY)
A FREE event (but all donations go to the performers)!

Casey Anne Morris: www.caseyamorris.com
"Nina, Stop" is a new one-act play that follows two college students attempting to drive home from a party, when a wrong turn leads to a horrifying discovery. This dark comedy explores our current relationship with our smartphones, the hidden sexism in AI development, and what it means to be a "good person." The play will be presented as a staged reading, featuring actors Jess Lyke, Maurice Chinnery, and Kristin Battersby.
Casey Morris is a playwright and director residing in Beacon, New York. Her recent theatre credits include Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, Dusklit Interactive Arts Festival, and Greenwood Lake Theater.

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CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: The Story of How I Found You
5:00 PM17:00

CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: The Story of How I Found You

Join CelebrateWomxn845 at their annual CELEBRATION arts showcase for a BOOK LAUNCH & SIGNING of "The Story of How I Found You", a picture book by Rita Bolla!

Thursday, January 23, 2020
5:00-8:00PM at WomensWork.Art Gallery (4 South Clinton Street, Poughkeepsie NY)
A FREE event (but all donations go to the author)! Event will include a short introduction, reading, signing copies, and connecting to one another over art, written words, and our trust in humanity.

“This picture-book is about people. The great ones. The ones who inspire. Who imprint themselves so deeply that the very idea of "you" and what you are capable of is radically transformed. These people need not be celebrities or world leaders. In fact, the people who truly make us come alive rarely ever are. More often than not,they seem on the surface like ordinary, everyday people. Sometimes we recognize their heroic grace at once. Sometimes only many years on. No matter how or when it happens, when the circumstance is ripe, these people will find you and lift you,even when you feel you have nothing to offer. They are out there. Never doubt this. And as you meet each of them, one-by-one, you will come to more fully recognized yourself in them and the value of the path you walk.”

Rita Bolla ART: www.ritabolla.com
Rita earned her MFA degree with flying colors at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, 2009. Her main focus was – and still is – on painting, but her studies include sculpting (at the Salzburg Summer Academy 2005) and printmaking (at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Marseille in 2008). Rita won several scholarships throughout Europe for artist residencies and she exhibited her works from Hungary to Germany, England, France, Russia, Finland, and last but not least the United States. She moved to US in 2010 and lived in New York City then Los Angeles before falling in love with Hudson River Valley. She has been presented in galleries in LA and NYC, and now she’s focusing on joining the artist community in Upstate New York.

When she is not busy creating art, she finds purpose in local activism for social justice and earth rights. Her works can be found in several notable collections and can be purchased in person or online. She is also available for commission work.

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CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Tiera Nolcox, Loisa Fenichell, & Uptown Lowdown
7:00 PM19:00

CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Tiera Nolcox, Loisa Fenichell, & Uptown Lowdown

Join CelebrateWomxn845 at their annual CELEBRATION arts showcase for POETRY by Tiera Nolcox (Beacon NY) & Loisa Fencihell (Brooklyn NY) and performances by The Uptown Lowdown (vintage jazz dance troupe, Kingston NY)!

Saturday, January 18, 2020
7:00PM at WomensWork.Art Gallery (4 South Clinton Street, Poughkeepsie NY)
A FREE event (but all donations go to the performers)!
The Uptown Lowdown will perform before, between, and after the poetry sets.

Tiera L Nolcox: www.instagram.com/tieralynne
As a Newburgh native and Hudson Valley resident Tiera has always used poetry and short stories as an emotional outlet. She’s ready to share her words with her community in an effort to both inspire and connect with those who may seek comfort and empowerment within art.

Loisa Fenichell: http://www.loisafenichell.com/
Loisa Fenichell will be reading poems that explore what it means to be a woman in today's world; to be somebody who occupies a body; to be somebody with memory, sometimes painful memory.
She is from New York, was actually born in a NYC taxi cab, and is most interested in the craft of poetry, how various art forms invariably intersect, and artistic collaborations.

Uptown Swing Kingston's Uptown Lowdown: https://www.uptownswingkingston.com/uptown-lowdown
The Uptown Lowdown celebrates the tradition of chorus girl dancers, while placing it within a modern-day context. We believe in vintage style, not vintage values. We intentionally perform to music by women- and minority-led bands. Our choreographies range from sassy showgirl numbers, to feminist protest pieces, to joyful holiday routines. We design and make most of our costume elements and have also collaborated with Karina Dresses (woman-owned, Kingston-based business making dresses in the USA!) Chorus girls work together as a unit, and the Uptown Lowdown believes that by working together, our collective is greater than the sum of its parts.

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CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Womxn Open Mic
6:30 PM18:30

CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: Womxn Open Mic

oin CelebrateWomxn845 for our next Womxn's Open Mic during our annual CELEBRATION gallery series! 🎶
We're inviting all women, femme, nonbinary, & gender non-conforming performers to come on out and TAKE THIS MIC! Consider this space a safe one where ALL may join us for a night of talent, community, and good vibes all around. Free event but donations are appreciated & funds go toward future CelebrateWomxn845 events.

Thursday, January 16, 2020 at WomensWork.Art Gallery (4 South Clinton Street, Poughkeepsie NY)
6:30PM Sign Ups begin (participants can do 2-3 songs, poems, etc. or perform for 7ish minutes)
7:00-9:00PM Open Mic (signs ups go until 8:30PM)

*the mic is reserved for women, femme, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming singers, poets, comedians, musicians, and performers of all kinds but ALL are invited to come out, support, connect, and enjoy.

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CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: CELEBRATION (Opening Reception)
5:00 PM17:00

CelebrateWomxn845 Presents: CELEBRATION (Opening Reception)

Join CelebrateWomxn845 for their third annual CELEBRATION!

CELEBRATION is a multi-disciplinary arts exhibition that aims to organize, recognize, & celebrate(!) women, femme, & nonbinary creatives. This salon-style show will be curated by CelebrateWomxn845 and will feature both visual and performing artists- both local and international - and creative events that are open to the public. The show will run for 3 weeks at WomensWork.Art Gallery in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Opening Reception: Friday, January 10, 2020 | 5:00-9:00PM
Food provided by: Earth, Wind & Fuego, LLC
Interactive floral installation by: Honeysucker Floral (www.instagram.com/honeysuckerfloral/)

On view through Saturday, February 1, 2020 | gallery open Thursdays-Sundays from 2:00-6:00PM.
Full list of participating artists, performers, and facilitators coming soon! Full events calendar also coming soon!

Follow us for updates ♥
HUGE thank you to our 2020 sponsors & friends: Arts Society of Kingston _ ASK, Earth, Wind & Fuego, LLC, Honeysucker Floral, Local Artisan Bakery, Clinton Street Studio, womenswork.art, & our amazing volunteers and supporters.

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Holiday Market 2019
to Dec 22

Holiday Market 2019

The Holiday Season is upon us, and it's time to start thinking about to get for your friends and loved ones for the holidays. Womenswork.Art will be one of several stops in the heart of the Poughkeepsie Arts Community that will be housing several local artisans and vendors from all around the Hudson Valley region, with a variety of affordable, handmade gifts and treats for everyone on your holiday shopping list!

Holiday Market Hours: November 15-December 22, 2019
Thursdays-Sundays 2-6pm

Featured Vendors:
-Coast 2 Coast Dog Treats
-Golden Pineapple Candle Company
-Groovy Chick Jewelry and Art
-Indigo Lane Jewelry
-Made For You
-Sarah Blooming Pottery
-Shoshana Snow
-Smellz Good Soaps

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